
I have several anytime online courses which are great but for those of you who want a LIVE  experience either in-person or online (possibly with the appearance of a miniature sausage dog) then check out the workshops below!


A Dharma Dummies Guide to Dream Yoga


This workshop seeks to disentangle dream yoga practice into a set of clear steps that practitioners can follow in order to have lucid dreams and to practice dharma within them.


Peaceful Sleeping, Lucid Dreaming Weekend (SOLD OUT)

Kagyu Samye Dzong Buddhist Centre, Spa Road, London

In this weekend workshop we’ll learn how to transform the harmful effects that stress can have on the third of our lives that we spend asleep while also learning how to use lucid dreaming to transform trauma and wake up to our fullest potential.


100 hour... Lucid Dream Facilitator Training

Online and in London

After the huge success of the 2023 training,in May 2025 I’m running the world’s only Lucid Dream FacilitatorTraining, again!

The training is aimed at therapists, teachers, coaches, educators and healerswho want to learn how to share lucid dreaming with others.

- Over 50 hours of professional training spread over 4 months.
- 3 days online + 3 days in person + 4 months of masterclasses
- Limited to 25 places.
- Aimed at passionate lucid dreamers who want to teach others.


Keynote Talk at the IASD Annual Conference


The virtual conference is designed to be live-streamed and interactive providing you with the same range of symposia, panels, workshops, morning dream groups, and special offerings events that attendees have come to appreciate at our on-site conferences. You will also be able to enjoy virtual receptions, an online art exhibit, a dream telepathy contest, and even a virtual costume parade and dream ball.


Lucid Dreaming & Shadow Work Retreat, Holy Isle (SOLD OUT!)

Holy Isle, Scotland

In this immersive 4-night retreat we'll learn how to utilize the power of lucid dreaming and shadow work to help meet, befriend and transmute our shadow side into the gold of awakening.


Lucid Dreaming & Inner Child Healing 3 day Retreat (bookings now open!)

Villa San Carlo, Costabissara (near Venice, Italy)

For the first time ever lucid dreaming and shadow integration teacher Charlie Morley offers a 3 day immersive retreat dedicated to inner child healing though lucid dreaming.


Lucid Dreaming: Wake Up While You Sleep

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, NasSau, Bahamas

This unique workshop offers a holistic approach to lucid dreaming, designed for complete beginners and seasoned dreamers alike. Whether you’re curious about exploring your dreams or eager to deepen your practice, this program provides the tools and insights to unlock the transformative potential of your sleep.


Level 1 Diploma in Lucid Dreaming

Karuna Dartmoor, TQ13 7TR, UK

This Lucid Dreaming Diploma offers 50 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and is designed for qualified psychotherapists, psychotherapeutic counsellors,  clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and meditation teachers seeking a comprehensive grounding in the academic research, neuroscience, and esoteric history of lucid dreaming.


Lucid Dreaming Retreat

Free online Lucid Dream Drop-in's

The Lucid Dream-drop in is a chance for dreamers around the world to share their dreams, explore ideas and have a Q&A session with me.



This 7 week online video course explores not only lucid dreaming practices, but also the innovative new techniques of Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep, the holistic approach to lucidity training which Charlie co-created with meditation expert Rob Nairn. The course offers a thorough and exciting exploration of lucid dreaming theory and practice within both Western and Tibetan Buddhist contexts.

Mindvalley 30 day lucid dreaming quest

The Experience Lucid Dreaming program guides you through a 30 day journey to lucid dreams. Very high quality, premium course.


This 7-week course will guide you into the dazzling darkness of the shadow and show you how to unlock the gold within. Using ancient methods from Tibetan Buddhism alongside contemporary techniques from mindfulness, insight training and Western psychology the viewer is guided through a profound process of transformation. This course is about waking up to our inner freedom and becoming more authentically human.

Lucid Dreaming Training for Therapists

In 2019 I ran my first ever Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training with a group of qualified psychotherapists, mindfulness teachers,hypnotherapists, health care professionals and educators.

In 2023 this became the 100 Hour Lucid Dream Facilitator Training. This training will run again in 2025.

Click the button below for more info and to meet the graduates.

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david hamilton

Author of How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body and The Five Side Effects of Kindness

Lucid dreaming has huge potential. I learned so much from Charlie’s teachings and I will return to them time and time again.

Katrina Martin

Mindfulness practitioner

Charlie is an incredible teacher. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and combined with his expertise and passion for the subject of lucid dreaming, stimulates a fascinating learning experience. Through his teachings and guidance, I have established a lucid dreaming practice which has transformed my relationship with myself and others around me. This is life-changing stuff and I highly recommend Charlie’s offerings

ELINE kieft

Dance guide, anthropologist

Charlie Morley is a wonderfully down-to-earth guide to the fascinating world of lucid dreaming. Whether you are interested in the science behind your night-time experiences or want to use it as part of your spiritual practice, he offers a modern everyday translation of dreaming practices that are at the heart of many cultures. Highly recommended!


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